☆.。.:* better better .。.:*☆

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"3rd person"

"seungmin! seungmin!" jisung said and ran to seungmin.

"what" seungmin asked.

"did you talk to hyunjin?" jisung asked, jumping up and down.

"u-uhm . . . . . . yes. why?" seungmin asked and frowned.

"oh just asking" jisung said and smiled.

"how did he even know my instagram?" seungmin muttered.

"cause i gave it to him" jisung accidentally blurted out and covered his mouth quickly.


"ignore what i said. haha you know minho is gonna attend another basketball game?" jisung asked, quickly changing the subject.

"w-with hyunjin too?" seungmin asked and smiled.

"of course~! now you're going huh?" jisung asked and smiled.

"m-maybe" seungmin replied shyly and played with his big hoodie sleeves of the black hoodie.

"ooo someone's got a crushhhhh" jisung teased.

"i don't!" seungmin refused and hit jisung's arm.

minho and hyunjin were watching the two best friends "argue" while 

"so are you gonna get to know him or what" minho asked and chuckled.

"how did you meet jisung again?" hyunjin asked, keeping his eyes on seungmin.

"cause its like a normal fanfiction au where i just bump into him one day and he's a new student and we continue to bump into each other and fall in love- look no we didn't meet like that but it was cause he went to one of my basketball games" minho said and rolled his eyes.

"and then?" hyunjin asked.

"he was the last one to leave and he basically bumped into me outside when i was leaving and he was such a shy and cute little bean, complimenting me. and then i gave him my number and started to get to know each other until i found out he was actually pretty annoyingly cute" minho said and chuckled.

"damn that's some complicated shit" hyunjin said and shook his head.

"so now go and make a move on him like how you did last night while "texting"" minho said and pushed hyunjin to seungmin.

"uhhhh nope" hyunjin said and ran away to the gym.

minho shook his head d sighed.

"he's never really gonna make a move is he?" minho muttered and went to backhug his boyfriend.

"minmin seungmin's hoodie look different doesn't it?" jisung asked his boyfriend.

"looks like the hoodie hyunjin wore yesterday except he didn't wear it home yesterday" minho said and shrugged.

seungmin looked around, anywhere besides minho or jisung. he knew it was going to be embarrassing if they found it. he played with the long hoodie sleeves until hyunjin came over.

"hey guys, what's up?" hyunjin asked and smiled.

"wow look who's back" minho said and rolled his eyes. 

"uh i'm back for a reason" hyunjin said and stuck out his tongue at minho.

hyunjin grabbed seungmin's hand and walked him inside the gym. 

"you know you could've just told them right?" hyunjin asked and smirked.

"t-tell them w-what?" seungmin asked and blushed.

"that you're wearing my hoodie" hyunjin said and chuckled, staring at the shy seungmin.

seungmin covered his red face with his big sweater paws, making hyunjin finally blink.

"aw~ don't cover your face seungmin. you look cute" hyunjin said and smiled, moving seungmin's arms from his face.

"nu~!" seungmin said and proceeded to hide his face.

"oH MY GOD ITS A WILD SEUNGJIN COUPLE" felix yelled as he stepped into the gym.

"oh my god felix get out" hyunjin said and rolled his eyes.

"i'm here to see changbin bro. why you gotta be so mean?" felix said and fake cried.

"okay go see your changbin and get out" hyunjin said and sighed.

felix was about to whip out his phone and take some nice pictures when-

"and no pictures felix" hyunjin said and warned him.

"aww you're no fun~" felix said and sighed, running into the guys locker room.

"i-i need to go to class h-hyung" seungmin whispered quietly.

"i'll take you there" hyunjin said and grabbed seungmin's hand, enlacing his fingers with his.

"authors note"

hi. wassup?

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